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Grace Family Camp :D :D {independence baptist camp, batesville, ar engagement and portrait photographer}

June 2, 2011

This was one of the best family camps ever. It was wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ :).My family and I started attending this camp (Grace Family Camp a.k.a Arkansas Camp ;D) in 2004. Ever since then it’s always been a highlight of our year, and this year was no exception :D. The sermons were filled with truth, the devotion times at night were thought provoking and excellent, the fellowship was sweet, the time was fun, and the food was good. Haha :D.This was one of the devotion groups the first night.

This is my friend Regan’s notebook; it has all of the names of Jesus on it :D.

Some of the little kids getting candy at “The Snack Shack” Haha :D.

And of course we played “Ninja.” Hehe ๐Ÿ˜€

Here’s proof I played too ;).

Happy saints of God :D.

Someone brought their dog and everyone played with it :).

These are my dear friends Brandon and Sarah Fredman. They are just so awesome; I love them :D.

I love these people too, being my parents and all ;).

Brandon and Sarah really love Amanda (who doesn’t?!), so they wanted a picture of them with her in the middle like she’s their daughter. Haha :D.

Here’s Megen Lagree, Katie McBride, and Emily Butts (Katie and Emily are twins :D. ‘Course Katie is married, that’s why they have different last names). They’re so sweet…and beautiful!!

Then it was time for cabbage ball! We’ll start off with Emily :).

Here’s Calvin Barr (John Calvin Barr to be exact ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

Here’s Chris and Angela Rages waiting their turn. They’re such a cute couple :). Oh, Angela and I won the three legged race that night!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Here’s Ben Lemoine.

Chris’s older brother, Brian.

And…I don’t know who this cute little boy is. There are so many little kids!!

Angela :D.



Joshua Gatch.

Hey, there’s Mom :D.

Bro. David Gatch.

CJ…gah, I don’t know his last name!! The annoying thing is I’ve seen these people for years! It’s my fault. Anyway, moving on. lol

Jeff Johnson: he’s pretty much one of the camp leaders :).

Okay, I KNOW he’s a Gatch, I just don’t remember his first name!

Isaiah Lebron.

Calvin again.

Jake Steele.

JJ Massey and Regan Noe watching the game. Oh!! And as of Monday, JJ is engaged to be married to Jesse Champagne!! (pronounced shom-pon). Soo happy for them :D. JJ is one of the gentlest and sweetest girls I’ve ever met :). All of these upcoming weddings make me so happy. God is good :D.

Jeff and CJ. Lol ๐Ÿ™‚

Aww, now here’s my dear Amanda friend looking adorable with a pine cone. Haha ๐Ÿ˜€


And Regan joined in :). They’re awesome :D.

Looove them :).

This dog followed Amanda and Sarah back from a walk down the road and it stayed for the rest of the camp. Lol. I named him George :). Oh, and Tony Leiter’s basketball form in the background cracks me up for some reason. Haha.

I love how most of the guys’s shirts are happy bright colors…please don’t think I’m weird. Lol.

Here’s George up close and personal :D. He really was super sweet and affectionate.

Regan resting her tired head. I think everyone gets tired in the afternoon.

Regan, you’re so pretty :).

Amanda!! There’s NO reason for you to hide your sweet face! Lol.

The kids found a Luna moth on the back of the Snack Shack!! Their color green is so soft and beautiful.

I love how JJ joins the trio :).

Oooh, sweet fellowship :).

Rebekah Gates and George :).

And more Ninja :).

Christians are the happiest people on earth :). Thank you, Lord, for the fellowship of the saints!! It’s all because of You :). May You be glorified!!

Ok, now here’s the sad news. Right after I took these two pictures, my camera battery died!!!! And it was only Friday afternoon!!! What happened was before we left for camp, I was charging one of my batteries (my battery grip holds two) and I forgot all about it being out of the camera being charged. So, I used up my one battery and had no backup. Yes, I was very disappointed at first, but I had to remind myself that this was God’s will, He had a reason for it (perhaps so I could have better fellowship, which I believe I did ๐Ÿ™‚ ), and once upon a time there weren’t any cameras! Haha :D.

I. love. this. camp :).With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }

comments +

  1. Sereina says:

    That looks like tons of fun, Rachel! Great photos!

  2. Sara says:

    Camp looks like so much fun! I love good & fun fellowship with other Christians! It's such a blessing. ๐Ÿ™‚ & George is sooo cute!

  3. Bekah Hope says:

    Hi Rachel! We have a statewide homeschool campout in October and this post reminded me of it. Y'all have just as much fun as we do–or more! ๐Ÿ™‚ It's the greatest blessing in the world to spend lots of time with fellow believers. ๐Ÿ™‚

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