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Abby Lyn: senior portraits :D {highway gardens, sedalia, mo senior portrait photographer}

June 29, 2011

This is my friend Abby Lyn Hargrave :D.While I was in Sedalia, she wanted to get together and take some portraits of me! (She’s getting into photography and she definitely has the makings of a good photographer! She handles a portrait shoot very professionally :D. Check out her blog!)Well, after she took pictures of me, she asked if I would take her senior portraits!! (She’ll be graduating around January; the awesomeness of being homschooled ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Being as stunningly gorgeous as she, it was no difficulty getting pretty pictures of her :D.

Not only is she beautiful on the outside, she’s beautiful on the inside too! About a year and a half ago God saved her from her sins and she is a new creature!! The change in her has been such an encouragement to me; she loves her Lord :).

Abbyyyy, you’re such a knock out!!

Sooo beautiful.

And check out her amazing smile! ๐Ÿ˜€

A funky rock wall :D. (In a good way ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

She’s adorable when she laughs :D.

After taking pictures at the Highway Gardens, we headed on over to Liberty Park.She reminds me of a surfer girl here :).


Abby was such a good sport; I kept moving her around on this bridge trying to get the best lighting on her. Haha.

I think she was laughing at herself here because every time I asked her to do a model face, she had to lick her lips. Lol :D.

And we’ll end with my personal favorite :).

Love you, Abby!! You’re such a considerate and fun friend :D. And we MUST remember to watch “Nacho Libre” next year!! Hehe :D.With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }

comments +

  1. Hannah says:

    LOVE these — absolutely lovely! I love the b&w "surfer" one. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Taylor says:

    Wow….stunning! What a beautiful young lady! You got awesome shots! i love em all! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Sarah J. says:

    oooook, Rachel….you win for having some of the most GORGEOUS friends on the planet. wow. These are more than stunning. eep

  4. Meagan Feeny says:

    These are BEAUTIFUL, Rachel! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Sereina says:

    These are stunning, Rachel! Very beautiful. And I love her dress!

  6. Those are *beautiful*, Rachel Leigh!! I love all of the bokeh and loveliness. And what a lovely lady. I love the black and white ones especially. And the ones in the wildflowers…and basically all of them. =) The Lord has certainly blessed you with a gift of photography! Blessings!!

    With Joy in Christ Jesus,

  7. Sara says:

    These are absolutely amazing! Seriously. I can't pick a favorite. They're all that good.

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