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Daniel and Emily: engagement :D {tyler municipal rose garden, tyler, tx engagement photographer}

October 27, 2011


Remember when I took pictures of my brother Daniel and his fiance Emily right after he proposed to her?
Well, they wanted to do an “official” engagement session this fall; one
where they could plan their outfits, fix their hair, and choose a
location together :). And we did! And they chose the Tyler Municipal Rose Garden, which was beautiful! And they didn’t look half bad themselves ;).
Daniel has a beauty :).
Looove :D.
They go together :).
ย Mmmmm :).
reason why they wanted to do an official engagement session, was to
capture the different sides of their personalities…one side is their
mutual goofiness. Hehe :D.
Haha, Emily just randomly started striking poses while Daniel was wandering around looking at flowers. Work it, Emily!
Happy people :D. This is a favorite :).
Cute ๐Ÿ˜€
Love the emotion of this one.
Hehe :).
“I can show you the waaay.” Haha :D. “Aladdin“, anyone? They were actually randomly singing this song during the session :D.
And we’ll end with a pic of my handsome bro :).


I love y’all, Daniel and Emily!! :).


With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }

comments +

  1. Hannah says:

    awwwwww! they are so cute! and hahahaha…their funny pictures are RIDIC! I CAN'T HANDLE THE ADORABLENESS.

    that's all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I love them all~! Do have favorites but it got too complicated trying to say which ones, I think they speak for themselves. Love you Daniel and Emily, may God richly bless your life as you serve HIM.

  3. catrina says:

    so fun! they do go perfectly together! so adorable!

  4. Allix B. says:

    hehe ๐Ÿ˜€ love them…the pictures and the people in them ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Rhonda Stacks says:

    LOVE the pictures!

  6. What a wonderful e-session! I loved so many of them! =) Way to capture their personalities…

  7. Bekah Hope says:

    These have got to be some of the cutest engagement photos I've ever seen, Rachel!! They are so adorable!! I really love the one where he's fixing her hair. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Sara says:

    These are so awesome Rachel!! They're so colorful, happy and cute! Love 'em! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. They really go so perfectly with each other!

  10. Oh my–those are be-autiful, Rachel Leigh!! Are you the main photographer for their wedding? Just curious. =)

    With Joy in Christ,

  11. Elizabeth: Thank you! No, I'm not. I wanted to just enjoy my brother's wedding ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Sophie Covey says:

    OOOOHHHH Rachel!!! Those are some gggrreeaatt pictures! They're such a cute couple and seem to totally "go" together! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the pics!

  13. Rachael Humpton says:

    Oh my word Rachel!!! These are AMAZING!!!! You are so talented!!!

  14. *Miss Lys* says:

    How cute, Rachel!!!! They are such an adorible couple!!! When are they getting married??

    Great job with these pics! Love their personalities!!!

    Much Love,

    *Miss Lys*

  15. Miss Lys: Thank you! They're getting married in May ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Anonymous says:

    I Love these!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. Mariah says:

    These were sweet… the images kept me smiling and laughing through the post. My favorite picture was the Aladdin meets Titanic picture. ๐Ÿ˜€

  18. Just looked at these again tonight. I just wanted to say you did a wonderful job.

    So happy for Daniel and his bride to be.
    your mother~

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