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Joshua and Jessica: couple portraits :D :D {arlington, tx couple photographer}

February 20, 2012

Well, here’s the post I promised y’all!
The last day of our visit, Jessica Shae drove Allix B. and I to Arlington so we could finally meet Josh after hearing so much about him since last May!! 
We walked into his nice apartment bearing Sprite, chips, queso (“Cheese: me no likey!” Hahaha ;D), and pizza rolls. He welcomed us with a smile :D. After introductions and putting food in the oven, we sat down and played “Settlers of Catan” (my first time; I really liked it!)   talking, laughing, and quoting the whole time; it was great :D.
THEN, the time came to drive a little ways down the road to do some shooting ;D. Now, the only bummer was it was around 30 degrees outside and WINDY! But they did awesome :). We kept laughing because the situation was so humorous! Our hands were about to fall off, but we pressed on and had a grand time taking pictures of these two adorable people :D.
Don’t they look like they’re doing a little dance? Hehe :D.
SO cute :D.
Hahaha :D.
The way they make each other grin is so precious :D.
See?! :D.
They’ve got somethin’ special and it makes my heart happy :D.
He’s there for her :).
Jessica: “I’m falling!! I’m falling!!”
Josh: “I’ve got ya.”
They’re such a good looking couple!
Their smiles… 😀 :D.
Josh: “Hey, let’s show them how you fit perfectly under my chin!”
There you have it; it was meant to be. Hahaha :D.
Oh, love :).
Hahaha, awww; poor Jessica was freezing to death in her pretty little dress. But it made them laugh like this 😀 :D.
Aaaah! This is a favorite :D.
Josh, Jessica, Thank y’all AGAIN for asking Allix and I to take y’all’s pictures!! We had a wonderful time :D. Love y’all!!
I hope y’all enjoyed these as much as I did :D.


And hey! Y’all MUST check out Allix’s pictures of them!! She did a fabulous job!
With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }

comments +

  1. Hannah says:

    oh my goodness! LOVE these, Rachel! sooooo cute! they're just adorable together. beautiful shots, girl! 🙂

  2. Sarah says:

    these are awesome! 🙂 great job!

  3. Catrina says:

    so so sweet! you did SUCH a good job Rachel! and cold weather may be cold but does it ever make for lovely light.

  4. cuteness in picture form….right here. 🙂

  5. Rachel says:

    I think my favorite is the second-to-last one of them sitting… right before "they've got somethin' special…". 🙂

  6. Hannah Elise says:

    so adorable..I knew right away what you meant by the "cheese-me-no-likey" lol. love that movie. 😉

  7. Abigail says:

    These are beautiful – they are so happy! I love the tire swing pics. 🙂

  8. Meagan F. says:

    Oh, Rachel, you did such a beautiful job taking Jessica and Josh's pictures!!! I absolutely love these!! 🙂

    Those two are adorable together.;-D

  9. Sara says:

    These are SOOOOOO cute! What a fabulous job 😀

  10. Anna says:

    These are so cute! You did a great job, and it looks like it was a pretty easy job judging by their smiles. : )

  11. Morgan says:

    OM MY GOODNESS Rachel!!! these are amazing!

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