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Fellowship Conference 2012 :D {camp copass, denton, tx engagement and portrait photographer}

April 16, 2012

Two weekends ago I attended the third annual Fellowship Conference 😀 :D. (remember last year’s?)
What a BLESSING it was!!
The sermons were all excellent (here’s one of them: one of the best sermons on the local church I’ve ever heard!) and the Lord blessed me with almost equal fellowship with old friends and new ones (something I had prayed for); it was wonderful 🙂 :).
And the weather was beauuuutiful. God took away the tornadoes right before the conference! Praise the Lord!
I was able to stay in the girl’s’ dorm just like last year. And also like last year, I sat on the back porch to have my time with the Lord.
Every morning there were at least 3 ladybugs by my feet :).
The view is breathtaking…and that tent was Zack and Evan Jennings’ little house for the weekend :).
Camp Copass is just the perfect place for a conference :).
Joy Lancaster had her devotion time on the back porch too :).
These are some of the coolest girls you’ll ever meet (and super sweet!): Angela Leiter and Abby Hargrave (Y’all remember her, right? And y’all’ve seen Angela before when I went to Sedalia, MO)


Elizabeth Blum (another girl y’all should remember!) hiding her beautiful face. Lol. She’s such a cutie :).
These lovely little flowers were scattered everywhere, so Abby tucked some into her hair :).
Soooo pretty, Angela!
And these are my friends Lara Summers, Abby of course ;), Charity Conway, and Savannah Moore (from my church!). We had a great time together :D.
Abby and I switched :D.
We laughed so much :D.
A merry group of friends :D. But we had some very profitable spiritual conversations too :). So thankful for these girls!
The guys having fun :D.
David Kelly and his littlest child Allison! :D. (They’re pretty much family to us 🙂 ).
David Leiter (the guy on the right) brought the board game “Pente: the classic game of skill” and Zack played   with him :). I observed for a while and realized it was waaaay too strategic for me; I’m not that intelligent. Lol. But I enjoyed talking with them as they played :).
Then we played volleyball!!! Yay :D. That’s me in the long navy blue shirt and khaki capris 🙂
The audience ;).
Lots of fellowship :).
More “Pente”. Hehe :).
Here’s Bro. Ray Hargrave, Bro. Jim Kelly, Bro. Russel Noe, Mrs. Rhonda Noe, Mrs. Kelly Hargrave, and Mom :D. I really like these people :). And when I call the men “Brother”, I’m not saying they’re preachers. In fact, none of these men are. I just call most adult Christian men “Brother [name here]” :).
Evangeline Jennings! 😀
And her older sister Bethany 😀 WHO is about to be MARRIED on May 19!! :D. The funny thing is, her fiance is James Jennings (whose testimony is very encouraging!)…they have the same last name!!
Anyway, these sisters are some of the sweetest girls I know 🙂 :).
Allix B. and her family were able to come for Friday evening!! Which meant that Allix and Abby FINALLY got to meet each other in person (they’ve been wanting to for a while 🙂 ). Yeah, they hit it off  :).
Here’s Joseph Bridges, Dad :), and Bro. Mike Cleary.
After dinner, some of us girls walked down to the water to take some pictures :).
Here’s those flowers!
The sun was bright. Haha :D.
I wanted a picture with each of them :).
They had hay bales by the water to sit on…and grass is growing out of them. Haha :D.
Buds :).
There were LOTS of children at the conference :D. This is Josiah Woodruff :).
Having a good time in the lunch line :D.
Zack, Jase Ely, and Tony Leiter: happy sons of God :D.
Here is Jase explaining to me why his camera is awesome. Hahaha :D.
When Abby saw this little girl, she told me “I’ve been wanting to her that little girl all day!” So she went over…
And got her. Hehe :D.
“Pente” once again. Lol. These guys get into it!
Now you can see Elizabeth’s pretty face along with Abby’s :). Someone asked if they were sisters :). No, but they’re sisters in Christ :D.
I never had a biological sister, but God has abundantly blessed me with soooo many spiritual sisters!! (including these two especially 🙂 ). I’m undeserving and overwhelmed. Praise the Lord for His grace 🙂 :).
And here’s Regan Noe looking so pretty and happy :D.
We walked down the the water again because Regan wanted some friend pictures with Abby :).
Loooove this one!! Beautiful :D.
Hooray for hair blowing, happy, laughing pictures :D.
Love these two :D.
Since they’re both photographers, then needed a picture with their cameras :).
Nathan Leiter, Colin Skinner, Jase, Tony, Michael Ford (another very encouraging testimony!), Seth Lancaster, my little buddy Luke Hargrave, and David: these guys are great :D.
More volleyball!
I accidentally focused on the pole, but love how it turned out! Rather artsy ;D.
I found a polar bear on the cap to my tea :).
Angela found a baby to hold :D. She told me when she holds a baby, they usually start screaming. But this little girl ended up sleeping sweetly in her arms :).
Fellow breakfast eaters at my table Sunday morning 🙂 :Luke, David, Trevor Ruby…
…Joy, Trine Rasmussen (from Denmark!! It was so neat meeting her 😀 ), and Hannah Lebron :).
Sunday was the only day we had rain. It was pretty exciting and fun. Haha :D. Everyone running from building to building trying to get their things together. This is the adorable Rachel Vann running her to kids, Charlie and Bethan, to their van. Hehe :D.
And her husband Mason ran to greet them 😀 (SUCH a sweet family; they really make you feel loved 🙂 ).


(Sigh) The Lord is good :).


Have a lovely day, y’all!
With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }


comments +

  1. Loved this! So fun. 😀

  2. Grace says:

    Aw, this looks so much fun!!! <3 your photography {especially the flowers in her hair}. 😉

    >>—–> come stop for tea @

  3. Emily says:

    Lovely!!! Your pictures are awesome!

  4. Allix B. says:

    What a happy blogpost! 😀

  5. Hannah M. says:

    It looks like it was an incredible conference this year, Rachel! I had the privilege of attending last year with friends (and seeing your photos from then too!) and it was truly an amazing and blessed time. It looks like this year was even better! Beautiful photographs. 🙂

  6. Hannah M: Whoa! That's awesome!! I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you last year.

  7. Sara says:

    It looks like so much fun! Love the first shot of the tent, so peaceful and beautiful!

  8. Shannah says:

    Fun fun!!! May I ask where you got your flip-flops in that third picture??? =) They are really cute!!!

  9. Shannah: Thanks! I got them at Payless a couple years ago 🙂

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