As of exactly one week ago, my dear old friends William and Greta are engaged!!!

William proposed to her on their one year anniversary of dating and it was also his grandparents 55th wedding anniversary! William made it super special: at dusk, he brought the closed-eyed-Greta to a pathway lined with colorful twinkle lights (which were also in the pine trees) and notes he had written to her that lead to a clearing surrounded by white lights (she likes white 🙂 ) and there he asked her to be his wife :).

I am SO happy for y’all and praise the Lord for knitting y’all’s hearts together :D.

This past Sunday morning, Greta texted me before church and asked if I’d bring my camera to take a couple pictures of them for an e-mail announcement they were preparing to send to their extended family and friends. I readily replied with a “Sure!! :D.” So, here they are 😀

They’re a such a classy cute couple :).

Cuuuute :D.

He’s got her :D.

Aaah! Look at them!

Precious 😀 :D.

Man, y’all look great together. Just look at that joy!! Hooray for love :D.

Love this shot. Beautiful.

I really like the ring :D.

It was really cold this whole time, so when I was satisfied with my shots, they hurriedly put their coats back on. As they were doing so, they looked so cute buttoning their coats, I told them they looked too cute not to capture. The result was these adorable grins :D.

All these new relationships, engagements, weddings, families begun: I dig it :D. And it’s such a joy to capture
With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }
Beautiful 🙂 The third to last one is my favorite!
So much smiling over here. 😀 😀 😀
Two of my favorite people engaged to married, makes me extremely HAPPY~! I love these two!
oh man! so great girl!