Last week Katie (of Katie Opris photography) blogged her images from Calvin and Megen’s wedding day (if you haven’t looked at them yet, go now and see!) and now I’m blogging mine :D.

It was a cool and foggy morning, but it was warm and happy inside where Megen was getting her hair done 😀

Texting her man :).

Here’s the precious Kaite I second shot for :D. Thanks again for having me assist you!

You see that black bag? I have one just like it…and I forgot it…along with my toothbrush, toothpaste (I call myself a dentist’s daughter? Haha), and facial stuff; that hardly ever happens. lol. Anyway, back to the day ;).

Megen’s dad gave her mom that sapphire ring when Megen was born: isn’t that so sweet?! I love it; it’s a beautiful ring :). Her engagement ring is pretty awesome too ;).

If you haven’t already noticed, Megen is completely gorgeous. I had a hay day taking pictures of her along with everyone she loves :).

And she has the cutest grins :D.

Yeah, her flowers were fantastic.

Megen and her coordinator who is also a dear family friend :D.


She made such a stunning bride; I kept telling her I was freaking out because she looked so amazing. Haha.

This is Megen’s mom Mrs. Cathey Lagree; she’s such a happy person :D.

Haha :D.

She was all dressed up and ready to go see Calvin!

Calvin is so gentle with her; it makes me happy :). I’ve known Calvin and his family most of my life, by the way. I met Megen at a family Bible camp 3 years ago (which is the same camp THEY met at and started liking each other; it was adorable because it was so obvious Calvin was struck by her from the start :D. I’m pretty sure she noticed him too 😉 ).


Watching them laugh together is the best :D.


Hehe 😀

We were just in downtown Conway by the “Popeye’s” and it was awesome :).

Looove 😀

Katie: “Now, don’t smoosh when you kiss ’cause it doesn’t look good in pictures. Just lightly kiss.”
They acted on her words and did perfectly 🙂

Calvin, you have a rare beauty and just a cool girl. I know you know that :).

Yay 😀

They’re happy together 😀

It was time to go back to the place by the church building and I thought I’d snag a picture of Calvin and Megen in the backseat before we drove off…but it focused on Katie instead. Haha :D. Katie found a cool wooden headboard in the grass and was putting it in the back.

Niiiiice, y’all.


Calvin’s guys came on over ready for the wedding party pictures coming up :).


And there’s Megen’s girls! 🙂

Hehe 😀


Their wedding colors were so pretty. They looked great.

This is one of Calvin’s sisters and also Megen’s friend: Ginger Hargrave :D.

And this is another sister of Calvin’s (Ginger’s twin actually) and Megen’s friend as well: Letha Johnson :D.

And this is Megen’s maid of honor and friend: Rachel Riggan :D.

And last, but not least, this is one of Megen’s cousins: Ashlee Hightower :D.

And here’s Jesse Barr (one of Calvin’s older brothers) and Ben Lemoine (one of Calvin’s brother in laws).

And then we finish with his long time friends John and Job Champagne (Job was his best man).

Calvin had great guys to stand up with him :).


These girls were fun 😀

And beautiful!

Me: “Y’all can just look at each other and be like ‘heeey!’ “Them: “Heeeey!”

Mission accomplished. Haha 😀

Their classic picture faces. Haha.

Ginger, your idea from Pinterest was fun. Perfect for y’all. Hehe :D.

Katie doing her work :).

Haha :D.

Hehe, cuuute :D.

Also if you haven’t noticed, this place was so neat for pictures.

The wedding party pictures were done and while we waited around for the family to gather for family portraits, I had to see the batman socks I had heard about. Haha!

Megen’s three brothers (Landon, Jordan, and Collin [that’s not age order, that’s feet order here. lol]) got these socks at K-mart and were very proud of them. But hey! They had a right to be! They had capes! Haha.

Family arrived and pictures began :).

Calvin’s family 😀

The cute kids :).

Calvin’s parents and siblings :).

Calvin and his siblings :).

Calvin and his brothers (that’s Davy on the right).

Megen looking cute off to the side :D.

Calvin and his sisters :). The two others that haven’t been previously introduced are Susie Lemoine (Ben’s wife!) and Robyn Fellows :).

Calvin and his wonderful parents Bro. Gilbert and Mrs. Anna Ree :). And I didn’t noticed ’till I edited these that Bro. Gilbert is holding his Bible :D. He preached the sermon during the ceremony :).

Fun on the sidelines :D.

Them and their parents :D.

Megen’s family :).

Megen, her siblings, cousins, and awesome grandma :D.

They crack me up :D.

Megen and her brothers whose feet y’all saw earlier. Lol :). They’re in the same order, by the way :).

I laugh every time I see this picture. Hahaha. They’re great.

Megen and her family :). Mr. Lagree’s name is Kent, by the way :).

Aww :D.


The Lagree guys and their new brother :D.


Yeah, they like him :D.

Suspender time. Haha.

They really wanted pictures with a shotgun. Haha.

And it’s camo. Perfect :D.

They were full of ideas. Haha.

The bros and their socks again. Haha. (This is them in age order: oldest to youngest)

Had to get the capes flying in the wind. Hehe :).

Gettin’ close to starting time! 😀

They had a fingerprint tree just like Zack and Elizabeth did! 😀

This is Megen’s adorable friend Kate Harville showing Megen her excited face. Hehe :D.

Last minute touches.

Hehe :D.

Waitn’ :).

Oh, and that guy on the right is Jeff Johnson: Letha’s husband, Megen’s pastor, and the one who married them :).


Husband and wife :). 



It was fun watching them chill and hang out :D.





Haha, Susie :D.

Megen’s musician friends+old friends played live music for the ceremony :D.

This is them practicing :).







This is Megen’s friend Rachel Waymire and one of Megen’s other cousins Molly :D.




































🙂 🙂

I love Ginger’s reaction. Hehe :D.


















Awwww :).









A friend praying with them: precious.



They did a great job on the reception!






This is a picture I took of them at John and Elizabeth Champagne’s wedding two years ago! Megen said this is one of her mom’s favorites :D.




Their cake was gorgeous! 










Decorating the get away car :D.


Yaaay :D.



Father daughter dance :).

 Then their first dance :).

 Love 🙂








I loved this display of their engagement pictures! 





Done! 🙂

There’s my mom on the right! 😀


The cousins again :D.

Love it 😀


Test shot on my lovely photographer friend :).

Here we are :D. Katie, you were so great to work with :).





Hehe 😀





John and his beautiful wife Elizabeth who is also my friend :D.

Garter toss! P.S. right before this, they had the bouquet toss. Megen told me I had to get out there, so I did and I caught it! Yay! Well, more like dove for it after it hit the ceiling and fell right behind Megen. Haha.


Collin got it! But judging by the other guys ducking and holding their hands, I think they made him get it. lol.




Jeff and little Christian preceded the bride and groom. Haha :D.

There they are :).


Megen was surprised by…

…little Christian in the driver’s seat. Hahaha :D.







And I think someone meant to say “Schmack.” Haha. Congratulations, y’all! Happy married life!





Everyone continued to have fun with the bubbles :D.

The day was so fun, beautiful, and just felt good :). Hooray :).And happy Thanksgiving, everybody!With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }
This is an absolutely amazing shoot, Rachel! Definitely one of my favourites wedding shoots.