We gave thanks last week with our family and had such a sweet, memorable time :). Amidst our fellowship, I did a mini photo shoot for my brother Daniel and his wife Emily! It twas fun :D. They play like kids, act like they just got engaged, look at each other with such contented love, […]
My brother and his wife are gonna be on the blog tomorrow! 😀 With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
The wait is over and here are the rest of Edwin and Hannah’s pictures! :D. Yeah, they like to kiss and they kissed at pretty much every opportunity ;). Edwin and Hannah met at church and became really good friends (the best way to start!), but then, of course, that eventually changed ;). They’ve been […]
Here’s a sneak peek of another shoot I did at Jessica Shae’s Summer Adventure last weekend :D. Edwin and Hannah were SO easy and fun; I can’t wait to share the rest :D. With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
…well, mostly Mom, but Dad comes in a little over half way ;). Here are some new portraits of Mom (and her and Dad together, as you’ll see) that I took last Sunday evening :). Yeah, Mom’s purty :). Mom LOVES being outside (and more specifically: working in our yard. Hehe :D. She keeps it […]
Last Tuesday I got to spend some time with these sweet married friends of mine and take portraits of them! May I introduce to you Richard and Amanda Lange :). They’re adorable 😀 (aaaand they were born the same year as me! ’92 babies, unite! Hehe 😀 ). They really rocked this session :). They […]
I seriously canNOT wait to share the rest with y’all :D. With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
Y’all just saw Katie last week. Now here she is with the man she loves: Will. 😀 Lookin’ at the dead snake on the road. Haha :D. A favorite; the way she’s looking at him! Love :). Will waving. Haha 😀 “…the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly.” –“Vanilla Twilight” by Owl […]
Remember the “Couple’s Contest” I had a couple months ago? Well, this post is about the winners:Taylor and Brittanee Bradford :).Oh, and Fayden Leigh too, but you can’t see her at the moment because she’s inside of Brittanee ;). Lord willing she’ll be out for everyone to see this Friday! 😀 Man, Taylor and […]