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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

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Two weeks ago, Ellie Berry (Ellie Be that is 😉 ) came to Texas. WOOHOO! BUT I’ve been full time at my Dad’s dental office for two months now and can’t take off work like I used to, so I couldn’t spend all four days with her like I sorely wished to. BUT she got […]

   More to come from this happy evening :D. Stay tuned!       With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

Last Friday, +Allix and I got together with some of our new photographer friends in the McKinney area for a day of picture taking, gelato eating, and just having fun :D. So, here are some portraits I took of each of the girls! I loved taking these and I hope y’all enjoy them as much […]

Y’all saw the sneak peek, now it’s time to see the rest!! But first: back story :). Last week, Allix and I went to Fort Worth for a few days to visit our sweet friend Jessica who is now married and has a baby inside of her! Yaaaaay!  When we first got there and talked about […]

I can’t get over how HAPPY these pictures make me that I took yesterday!! So, obviously the situation called for me to do another blog post today so y’all could share in the excitement :D. The rest shall be revealed next week, Lord willing! With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

Last weekend, I spent the night with my buddy Allix B. :D. We colored in Spongebob Squarepants and Disney princess coloring books while listening to fun playlists, then we ate guacamole sandwiches while watching “Mulan” :D. And of course we talked, laughed,…and colored some more. Haha :D. Before it got dark, we ran out into the cold to […]

Here’s the last part of my Sedalia trip: an evening with these two girls! Angela Leiter and Regan Noe :D. That late afternoon, Angela and I chilled on the couch as we waited for Regan to get back from spending time with a friend. Angela, is awesome, by the way ;). When she got back, […]

Allix Ryan Brunson   Age: 16 (going on 17) Occupation: daughter, student, photographer, and awesome friend :). Y’all know her better as Allix B. :D. And y’all should know her by now; she’s made many appearances on this blog of mine :). So, anyways, she’s been wanting some new portraits done for her photography business (because […]

Here’s part 2 of Sarah’s portraits :D. (If you missed part 1, you should go look at it and learn more about this pretty girl 🙂 ).   Even though it wasn’t as sunshiney as we would have liked, I think it gave the pictures a neat look :). We had a great time :D.  […]

  This is my friend Sarah :).   Sarah Elizabeth Jarvis :).   We’ve been friends for about 9 years :). She’s 18 and she’s a MIND BLOWING pianist!! I remember hearing her do a solo 4 years ago during her youth orchestra’s concert and at the end I clapped so hard my hands hurt; I felt […]