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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

Welcome TO

Ten years ago this week, 18 year old me was interning with the lovely Jessica Shae and I officially launched “Rachel Leigh” :D. Learning from her gave me the foundation I needed to begin building a photography business and I’m forever grateful :). From then until now is the story of the little business God […]

Mount Pleasant, TX wedding photographer

A few days before Sam and Brianna’s wedding weekend, I visited my best friend Allix and took her maternity/family photos. πŸ˜€ Remember the first time I did that? Over two years later and they now have another daughter due to join the outside world on St. Patrick’s Day πŸ˜€ <3. I’m so honored and happy […]

After two sneak peeks of my besties fantastic maternity session, here it is in full πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ <3Is she not a delightfully stunning mother?? This was my first time to visit Trevor and Allix in Louisiana by myself! Though I was there for just one night, Allix and I had plenty of time to catch […]

Had to share more from my glorious portrait session with the Rubys. Oh, the beauty and joy <3 <3 <3 With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

This evening I had the exciting and wonderful pleasureΒ of photographing my beautiful best friend Allix Ruby and her hidden little girl who’s coming out into our waiting arms this Thanksgiving Lord willing πŸ˜€ :D. CanNOT wait to share more of all this glory πŸ˜€ :D. Trevor joined in some too πŸ™‚ With a smile, { […]

On April 8th, I traveled up to Oklahoma with my pregnant best friend Allix (of Allix Ruby Photography) to help her photograph one of the most perfect weddings ever <3 <3 <3. I felt like we were in the Hundred Acre Wood. It was almost my dream wedding: the red and maroon; the bright, invigorating […]