These BEAUTIES were planted by my Uncle John and they are just my favorite. Ever since I went to France three years ago and saw all of the wild red poppies scattered everywhere, poppies have become one of my very favorite things 🙂 :). And of course they remind me of my trip to France […]
April has been the in-between-exciting-stuff month for me and it’s been nice; getting back into the groove of normal life for a bit :).In honor of that, here are some April flower images for you to enjoy :). Â With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
Yes, folks, I have upgraded 😀 :D.I am  now the happy owner of a Nikon D700 AND a 50mm 1.4. Having a full frame camera+the beautiful softness of 1.4=an incredible combination :D. After taking just one picture with my new camera, I was ecstatic. I kept explaining to any family member near by how incredible […]
Two weekends ago I attended the third annual Fellowship Conference 😀 :D. (remember last year’s?) What a BLESSING it was!! The sermons were all excellent (here’s one of them: one of the best sermons on the local church I’ve ever heard!) and the Lord blessed me with almost equal fellowship with old friends and new ones […]
“I take a moment to just stop and look around me. And smile to myself.”  ~Alexandra Potter  🙂 With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
This past weekend, I got to go to another wedding in Missouri! I just went 3 more hours north this time :D. Man, I’ve just gotta say it’s SO fun seeing these friends so often! God is good to me :). But even if I hadn’t been able to go, He is still good to […]
With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
Now it’s time to share about my time in Sedalia, Missouri :D.But we have to begin with Conway, Arkansas clouds. Lol. The reason why is because my parents drove me to our friends Jeff and Letha Johnson’s house (which is 3 1/2 hours from us) so I could ride up with them and some other […]
This is my friend Abby Lyn Hargrave :D.While I was in Sedalia, she wanted to get together and take some portraits of me! (She’s getting into photography and she definitely has the makings of a good photographer! She handles a portrait shoot very professionally :D. Check out her blog!)Well, after she took pictures of me, […]
“Be it ours to remember the lovingkindness of the Lord, and to rehearse His deeds of grace. Let us open the volume of recollection which is so richly illuminated with memorials of mercy, and we shall soon be happy.”-Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }