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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

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Jacob and Hannah’s wedding was so so special :’). I had never seen these friends of mine as a couple in person until their rehearsal the day before. To so clearly see that they were meant for each other was an incredible encouragement to me and brought me such joy! So please enjoy their beautiful, […]

Fox Run Golf Club, Eureka, MO wedding photographer

What a thoughtful, beautiful, precious wedding this was of my long-time friend Jacob and my newer friend Hannah ๐Ÿ˜€ . It was such an honor to document and be a part of this day <3 . I rejoice in the Lord for what He has done for y’all, friends!! What an encouragement Friday was <3 […]

Fox Run Golf Club, Eureka, MO wedding phtographer