Ten years ago this week, 18 year old me was interning with the lovely Jessica Shae and I officially launched “Rachel Leigh” :D. Learning from her gave me the foundation I needed to begin building a photography business and I’m forever grateful :). From then until now is the story of the little business God […]
I’m very happy to share a wedding with y’all today! This wedding of two sweet friends of mine was last July and I was second shooter to the forever darling Jessica Shae :D. I hope y’all enjoy this elegant wedding :D. […]
Here’s the last installment of my favorites from 2013: the weddings I was blessed to be a part of :). First off is the wedding of my friends Stephen and Abigail Gates :). Back in March, I shot part of their wedding: her getting ready and the reception. Now this is a wedding […]
Here’s a sneak peek of another shoot I did at Jessica Shae’s Summer Adventure last weekend :D. Edwin and Hannah were SO easy and fun; I can’t wait to share the rest :D. With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }
I’m at Jessica Shae’s Summer Adventure for the alumni refresher course, it’s day 2, and I’m having a wonderful time! And last night I had the pleasure and privilege of taking senior portraits of the gorgeous, joyful, and kind Lauren Rhodes :D. Here’s just a glimpse of how lovely and fun the session was. More […]
While I was shooting Allix’s portraits in downtown Fort Worth last week, Jessica asked if Allix and I could take a few 13-weeks-along maternity portraits for her :D. Jessica, you are such a lovely mamma :). I know you and Josh are SO looking forward to seeing the “lil raspberry” in person 🙂 :)…so am I, by the […]
Y’all saw the sneak peek, now it’s time to see the rest!! But first: back story :). Last week, Allix and I went to Fort Worth for a few days to visit our sweet friend Jessica who is now married and has a baby inside of her! Yaaaaay! When we first got there and talked about […]
Yes, I had the privilege of being a part of Jessica Shae’s Summer Adventure for one day 😀 :D.Jessica planned an intern reunion for last Wednesday (towards the end of her internship). Sadly, Allix and I were the only past interns that were able to attend (and Allix’s mom, Mrs. Darla; she was our driver […]
Well, here’s the post I promised y’all! The last day of our visit, Jessica Shae drove Allix B. and I to Arlington so we could finally meet Josh after hearing so much about him since last May!! We walked into his nice apartment bearing Sprite, chips, queso (“Cheese: me no likey!” Hahaha ;D), and pizza rolls. He welcomed […]
While Allix B. and I were with Jessica last weekend, we had about a 15 minute window of opportunity to take portraits of her! And here are mine :D. She’s such a sweetheart :). And she luuuuvs her parents. Hehe ;D. (Her parents are pretty awesome! ). Jessica, you’re so pretty :). […]