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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

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Hey, y’all :D.Well, summer “officially” began yesterday! Yay! (that means vacations, snow cones, more weddings, fireworks, parties, and just more fun :D).In honor of that, I wanted to share some of my favorite summer songs with y’all :D.   If you want to listen to some other songs I’ve shared in the past, check […]

These BEAUTIES were planted by my Uncle John and they are just my favorite. Ever since I went to France three years ago and saw all of the wild red poppies scattered everywhere, poppies have become one of my very favorite things 🙂 :). And of course they remind me of my trip to France […]

April has been the in-between-exciting-stuff month for me and it’s been nice; getting back into the groove of normal life for a bit :).In honor of that, here are some April flower images for you to enjoy :).  With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

Man, life has been SO busy, but also fun! And it’s not going to stop for a while :D. Weddings, Bible camps, visiting friends…hooray :D. That is why these pictures are a little late in appearing on this here blog of mine :).  I won’t be saying much because Kristen described our time better than […]

Last Friday was my grandfather’s (Papa’s) 74th birthday, and according to him, it was the best birthday he’s ever had :D. The reason why is because we got him something he has ALWAYS wanted: a Henry Big Boy 45 Long colt.  My Papa is a true cowboy at heart, and this gun is pretty much the classic […]

Here’s an enchanting short film for you to enjoy on this lovely day, if you haven’t seen it already :). And this is for all my fellow “Whovians” out there (yes, as of last November, I am hooked! I LOVE IT!). With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

Last weekend, I spent the night with my buddy Allix B. :D. We colored in Spongebob Squarepants and Disney princess coloring books while listening to fun playlists, then we ate guacamole sandwiches while watching “Mulan” :D. And of course we talked, laughed,…and colored some more. Haha :D. Before it got dark, we ran out into the cold to […]

The Lord sent us Texans snow last week! Five inches of it actually. This is me in the midst of it as it began to fall :). My motha joined me for a picture :). The next day, I meandered down our road and just looked about :). All of the snow reminded me that […]

This past Thanksgiving weekend was so nice; that’s just the best way to describe it :). On Thanksgiving Day, some of mom’s family came over for the day. Before it got dark, we took a few family portraits outside :). Here’s my parents whom I love :D. And here’s my grandparents (mom’s parents) whom I love as […]

Two weekends ago, my Dad and I were in San Antonio for Hillburn Drive Grace Baptist Church’s annual Bible conference. Dad was asked to preach and I wanted to go (Mom didn’t go because she didn’t want to be away from her sister who has cancer). I flew into Dallas from my visit to Missouri […]