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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

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This past weekend, my friends the Brunsons, the Moores, and the Crawfords went camping at Lake Bob Sandlin State Park and the Brunsons let me be a part of their family temporarily :D.Many of the things we did weren’t captured in my camera (like riding bikes to the trout pond, playing “Ninja”, etc…oh, and in […]

Being given beautiful wildflowers from an adorable little girl like Sarah Grace Moore, makes me smile inside and out ๐Ÿ™‚ :). Isn’t she a doll?!   I took those Sunday after our church meeting and I just had to show y’all :).Anyway, here are some more signs of spring in our yard. Red buds are […]

Hello, dear Spring!It’s SO good to see you :). Hooray for pretty yellow flowers :D. This is my hair; I like it :). I love how moss adds color to things (and this shade of green is lovely ๐Ÿ™‚ ). Haha, well, this tree missed out, but the bark is still intriguing, right? ๐Ÿ˜€ You […]