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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

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This was one of the best family camps ever. It was wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ :).My family and I started attending this camp (Grace Family Camp a.k.a Arkansas Camp ;D) in 2004. Ever since then it’s always been a highlight of our year, and this year was no exception :D. The sermons were filled with truth, the […]

This post is about a 4 year old girl. Her name is Jasmine Consada Briones :).She likes pretending she’s talking on the phone with her friend :D. And she likes pushing her baby “Sally” around in her buggy.   She also likes laughing at my mom when my mom jumps up and down and acts […]

This was really fun :D. You see, Lydia Covey (the sweet faced blonde you see below ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) is going to Colorado for part of the summer. So, Sarah Jarvis (the gal in the middle of the picture above) thought a surprise going-away party was an excellent idea. And it was! We had a splendid […]

Our dear friend Jessica Shae came to town!!It was a happy reunion indeed :D. Jessica, I’m SOO glad Allix B. and I got to spend some time with you; it was grand :D. (BIG HUG) :D.With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

Remember the “Couple’s Contest” I had a couple months ago? Well, this post is about the winners:Taylor and Brittanee Bradford :).Oh, and Fayden Leigh too, but you can’t see her at the moment because she’s inside of Brittanee ;). Lord willing she’ll be out for everyone to see this Friday! ๐Ÿ˜€   Man, Taylor and […]

Last Sunday, Miss Laura Driggers asked if I could take a few pictures of her and Kayleigh for Mother’s Day. Of course I said yes :D. So, we ran to their backyard and snapped these shots :).Aren’t they beautiful?   They have such a sweet and fun mother-daughter relationship; they’re not just family…   …they’re […]

Family get togethers can be quite fun and this one was :).Last Saturday, we got together with Mom’s side of the family to celebrate Mother’s Day.Here’s what decorated the dessert table: a lovely bouquet made by my cousin Amanda :). It was a gift to Mamie :). One of Mamie’s cute outdoor decorations :D. And […]

(Siiiigh)I’ve always loved this picture ๐Ÿ™‚ :).   With a smile, { Rachel Leigh }

Last weekend, my parents, my friend Kayleigh, and I attended a Bible conference/camp in Denton, TX :). I was blessed by some wonderful sermons, exchanging testimonies of what God has done for us, saw many old friends and made many new ones :D. Speaking of old friends, my dear dear friend Amanda Marie Webb was […]

Last weekend my parents and I went down to San Antonio for a Bible conference at Iglesia Bautista Particular de la Gracia Soberana! ๐Ÿ˜€ Dad was one of the speakers (in case y’all didn’t know, my dad is bi-vocational; he’s a dentist and the pastor of our church ๐Ÿ˜€ ) We’re very close with this […]