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Rachel Leigh's Blog

This is where the sneak peeks and special days shared more fully are at :D

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The time has come to FInally share more from this unforgettable day with an unforgettable woman: my dear friend Elizabeth Bristol Bam <3 . The unforeseen rain that we thought might make this shoot impossible that morning actually passed at just the right time so we’d have the place basically to ourselves and the most […]

The Dallas arboretum and botanical garden, Dallas, TX bridal portrait photographer, sunken garden, twirling lace wedding dress Dallas bride

I am SO excited to share even MORE bridals soon of my dear Elizabeth who became Mrs. Bam on Saturday <3 <3 , but for now, here’s some sneak peeks of one of THE most GLORious days and women I’ve ever had the privilege to capture <3 <3 . God brought this dream together in […]

The Dallas arboretum and Garden, Dallas, TX bridal portrait photographer, bridal portraits in a library