That morning, we headed to “Starbucks” to have some one-on-one time with Jessica for asking questions and setting up pricing. It was very beneficial!Then after a quick repast at “Subway”, we headed home and got all dressed up for the portraits Jessica was going to take of us for our businesses ๐ :D. We drove to an old abandoned frame house and it made the PERFECT place for Jessica to take our pictures! It was great :D.
Here are the Koehn sisters ๐ (pronounced “Cane” in case y’all forgot ๐ ). I think it’s really neat how they share their business as sisters :). And, hey! Y’all need to go look at their new photography blog!
Then we drove to Irving for a couple’s session and praise the Lord we got there safely! The rental car Jessica has been using most of the week started acting up when we got on to the 4 lane highway; it started chugging and wouldn’t accelerate when Jessica was pushing on the gas pedal….eek! So, we exited, parked, restarted it, and it was sort of back to normal (we were still unsure). I think we got bad gasoline (we had just filled up right before it started acting weird).Anyway, we finally got to our destination: Las Colinas canals. Basically it’s a nice little shopping/eating part of town and it’s right next to some canals they put in.

Down by the canal :). And don’t be fooled by the pleasant look of the picture; it was FREEZING outside!! By the end of the session with the couple, I couldn’t feel anything with me hands :'(. But I’m alive, so it’s all good :).
{ Rachel Leigh }
Rachel, I was enjoying these pictures so much thinking Jessica had taken some of them. Then I remembered this is your photography page! Love them!:D