There’s my Uncle Randy taking Greer (the birthday girl) for a stroll before the guests arrive :). You’ll get to see them up close later ;). Oh, and the party took place where Taylor (Jordan’s husband, Greer’s daddy 🙂 ) spent much of his childhood :). Don’t Taylor’s parents have a lovely backyard?!
Here’s my cousin Jordan and her mom, my Aunt Carla 😀 (my dad’s little sister).
Here she comes…
She’s such a cutie :D.
Jordan: “Greer, what does an owl say?”
Greer: “Hoooo.”
Out of all Greer’s facial expressions and sounds, these are my personal favorites :D.
First little guest! 😀
Greer and her beautiful mama :).
They’re both cute ;).
Here’s the trio all together! 😀
Yaaay :D.
They love her so much :D.
Hehe :D.
Greer received a coloring from one of her little friends and she was SO excited. Hehe :D.

We got a few family pictures before the party got started :).


It was time to take more family pictures before we all retreated inside to escape the humidity. Hehe 🙂
 Y’all look great :D.

 They have fun :D.


Then we ended the happy party day with some pretty shots of Jordan and her man :).

THAT YARD– absolutely gorgeous piece of property! What a lovely party, and lovely people… babies are so much fun. 😀
You got some awesome photos in there, Rachel! Great job.
Rachel, you did an outstanding job!!!! Beautiful pictures!!!
These are some of your absolutely best pictures. Random though it may be…you rock events. 🙂
This is so precious! Greer is the cutest little one ever.
Rachel,….I loved how you captured so many precious memories. Greer is one happy little girl,…just like her mother Jordan~ So many favorites,…but I have to say I love the ones you caught of her sitting by the bubble machine and starting fall back and then falling back. I would frame those together in a heartbeat! And the couple pics of Jordan and Taylor were so sweet. 😀 Of course Carla and Randy looked amazing~ You did a great job capturing them so natural and playful like they are. 😀