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Amanda Marie: portraits :) {thousand hills state park, kirksville, mo portrait photographer}

October 20, 2011

A couple weeks ago, I went up to Kirksville, Missouri to take some engagement pictures, but most importantly, to visit my dear dear life long friend
Amanda Marie Webb πŸ™‚ :).
Β So,
she’s pretty much one of the best friends anyone could ever have; I
LOVE her!!! She’s hilarious, smart, and saved by God’s grace :D.
somehow, she likes me too and puts up with my idiosyncrasies πŸ˜‰ (I’ve
been thinking about that word the past couple days; glad I got to use
it. haha :D). Thank you, Amanda for being a true friend to me; someone
who listens to me, tells me the truth, and encourages me in my walk with
Christ :).
Oh, and she’s really pretty :).
My favorite!! This is her in a nutshell…well, actually a picture. hehe :).
Beautiful :).
Haha, while we were walking around Thousand Hills State Park (where
we went and took these pictures), some ladies walking on the road found
this little garter snake. They saw me with my camera and said “You may
want to take a picture of this!” So they walked on and we played with
the snake :D. No, we’re not crazy; garter snakes aren’t poisonous. Lol.
We named him Harry :).
Here’s me holding him :). Well, I guess it could’ve been a girl….oh well, she’s named Harry. Haha :D.
Amanda was excited about how beautiful it was out there; this picture is very much her too :).
Lovely :)…hey, you see those wild tomatoes behind her? Well, if you can’t…


Here’s a closer look :).



She’s tons of fun. Haha :D.


“Painted skies.
I’ve seen so many that cannot compare,
To your ocean eyes.”
She’s definitely got ocean eyes :).



I love you, Amanda :).
With a smile,
{ Rachel Leigh }
I think we should say “I love you” more often to those we love. Many
times we just say “Love ya!” or “Love you much!”; stuff like that. It’s
easy and safe to say those phrases. But it takes a lot more I think to
say the words
“I love you” to a friend (or parent, or spouse of course πŸ˜‰ ).Β  Anyway, just some thoughts of mine :). Have a blessed day!

comments +

  1. Allie says:

    Love all the pictures…well, except the snake ones. Bleh! I hate snakes! πŸ™‚ These are so pretty! Great job!! πŸ™‚

  2. Sereina says:

    Amanda sounds like such a neat friend! I love the photos. Your captured her wonderfully.

  3. Hey there!
    I just found your blog, and I love it!
    I followed you πŸ™‚
    Check out my blog, It’s a Love Story and follow me! Please πŸ™‚

  4. Allix B. says:

    what's not to love about Amanda??!!…she's pretty much fantastical πŸ˜€ And these pictures capture every itty bitty bit of her loveliness…good job πŸ™‚

  5. Taylor says:

    These are GORGEOUS!! πŸ™‚ Great job and beautiful subject! ~And im glad to know there are other girls who like snakes and arent afraid to pick them up!! πŸ˜‰ LOL

  6. Simi says:

    She's beautiful! I love the poses you chose πŸ™‚

  7. Meagan Feeny says:

    Aw, I love these, Rachel! You always capture each person's personality so well! And, I must agree with you, I also love that picture of her lying on her stomach and smiling as she's looking up (5th one from top). It just brings a smile to my face!:-)

    (and YES! We really should say "I love you" more to those that we love. I agree.:->)

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